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Tuesday, November 18, 1997

Ask You Out

Girl, why can I not do this?
(Ask you out?)
Girl, why can I not do it?
(Ask you out?)

I want to ask you out but I just can't do it
Why can't I ever go through with it?
I want to but I just can't do it
I like you a lot, what's wrong with this?

I want to
(Ask you out)
But I just can't
(Ask you out)
Why can't I
(Ask you out)
Oh, why can't I
(Ask you out)

Is it because I'm afraid of rejection?
(I guess so)
Is it because I don't want to hear you say no?
(I think so)
Is it because I'm the extremely shy type?
(I think so)


Saturday, November 15, 1997

The 60s - poem

I’m a fan of 1960s pop culture and history.  Here is a poem I wrote about the 1960s.

THE 60s

The 60s changed the world,
The 60s changed the society,
The 60s changed the music,
The 60s changed the politicians,
The 60s changed the musicians,
The 60s changed our minds,
The 60s changed thoughts of war,
The 60s changed the art,
The 60s created the hippies,
The 60s created the peace sign,
The 60s created the Beatles,
The 60s killed John F. Kennedy and his brother (RFK),
The 60s killed Martin Luther King,
The 60s killed Malcolm X!
What happened in Berkeley in the 60s?
What happened in Chicago in the 60s?
What happened in Mississippi and Alabama in the 60s?
What happened in Washington in the 60s?
What happened in Dallas in the 60s?
What happened in Woodstock in the 60s?
What happened in the 60s?
What went on during the 60s?
The 60s changed it all!

Saturday, November 8, 1997

I Drank A Whole Lotta Beer - country music parody

I wrote this in high school as a parody to country music.


I drank a whole lotta whiskey,
I drank a whole lotta beer,
I drove my Ford Pick-up truck
while hurdlin' some cattle on me farm!
I drank a whole lotta beer
and gots throwin' in prison!
I told the cops I had to see me baby,
do I gis a phone call?
"No! You killed Wyatt, Shyitt, & Billy!"
I drank a whole lotta whiskey,
so I bet me wife miss me!
I drank a whole lotta whiskey,
I drank a whole lotta beer!