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Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Speeches On Video

I took speech this semester, and all semester long I was planning on getting on video me giving the speeches I had to present this semester.  A couple weeks ago I was snowed in, so I finally filmed them and uploaded them to Youtube.  There are 3 of them.  The 4th one I ended up not finishing because we got snowed in, however I hope to soon finish it and film it as well and post it on youtube whenever I have it ready.  I also plan on re-shooting these.  The quality on these videos is a bit poor in my opinion. Enjoy!






Saturday, December 7, 2013

Heart of a Warrior By Jack E. Dawson

A couple months ago my brother and I were at the Great Passion Play attraction in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  While we were there we came across an art exhibit of a Christian painter from near Joplin, Missouri by the name of Jack Dawson.  The painting that really caught my eye in the exhibit was “Heart of a Warrior.”  His paintings are full of christian symbols.  In this painting, Jesus is represented by the soldier, the toy lamb in his hand, and the face in the rock on the right side of the image, for example.  The description of the $5 copy I have reads

“The heart of a true warrior celebrates freedom for all.  Driven by a passion to relieve suffering and set captives free, the warrior goes to battle for others’ good, even at the cost of his own life.  The anguished face of captivity appears in the rock beside him as he kneels at edge of the world, reaching out in freedom’s name to those crying out for liberty.  A child approaches, trusting the extended hand that gave him the cookie he holds.  Now it offers another gift, a toy lamb that represents the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God.  His own wounded and bandaged fingers proclaim ‘I love you’ in sign language.  The strong left hand defends ‘old glory,’ wind torn and bullet riddled, but still flying on its broken staff.  His weapons are ready for battle, but the warrior is equipped for ministry.  Beside him grow five poppies, honoring the dedication of the five branches of service.  As the light of Lady Liberty reaches out to the ‘tired poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free,’ the spirit of freedom rises from the smoke of the twin towers forming a cross that conveys the greatest freedom, God’s grace and mercy.”
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners. – Luke 4:18

One of My Favorite Movie Cars

This is one of my favorite movie cars.  I think any image it's in, it looks cool.  The DeLorean DMC-12 time machine from the Back To The Future series.  The Back To The Future Facebook shared this image and I thought I'd re-share it for everyone else's enjoyment.

My Wife And Step-kids Need Your Help This Christmas

my wife and stepkids need your help. they are struggling financially and my wife can’t afford to get them christmas presents this year. She set up a fundraiser on in hopes of raising money for Christmas. If you can find it in your heart to donate so they can have a good christmas and can keep their light bill on we would greatly appreciate it. thanks and God bless and Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Record Snowfall In Arkansas

My pictures aren’t as great as some others I’ve seen but I just now decided to try to go outside and try to measure the snow and get a few pictures.   It is currently 17 degrees outside, and it’s supposed to get down to 0.  I have been told that this a record for Arkansas because it’s never this cold this early in the winter.

One measurement I took on the back of my brother’s deck showed 7 inches, but some other spots I checked showed 6 inches.  Walking, my foot was literally buried in the stuff!  not snowing now and I believe it’s supposed to be done snowing, but with the temperatures how they are supposed to be the next couple days, I don’t think this snow will melt very fast.  My dad has been having to drive in this mess – including ice.  He’s stopped for the night down in Little Rock, but will be coming home sometime tomorrow – He’s a very safe driver, but I ask for prayers that God keeps his hand of protection over him – along with anyone else who has to travel in this.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Magazines, Brochures, and Fliers I created

I took Adobe InDesign this semester in college.  I like that program much better than Microsoft Publisher.  It’s more user friendly I think.  I put the portfolio for the magazines and brochures I created this semester on my SkyDrive.  The link to it is if you would like to check it out.

Fake National Geographic Magazine I had created

I had to put together a fake issue of  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE for a class this semester.  The link shown should take you to the PDF file I created.  I also have it on my SkyDrive at if you want to see it there instead.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Center campus a Glow

Here is the next project I had to do. It's supposed to be digital art that's related to North Arkansas College. Can what I did be considered art though? Lol. (note: the photo used is not mine, I don't know who took the picture. I just take credit for what I did to it.)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

16 Inspiring Songs That Honor JFK Pictures - The Tragedy That Shattered Camelot | Rolling Stone

*After John F. Kennedy’s assasination, our country went into utter chaos.  1960s started out nice and calm until than.  I’m not a democrat, but I do like what Kennedy stood for and tried to do during his presidency: get world peace, kill poverty, create equality in all of us.  Some songs mentioned in this Rolling stone article I heard of, some I haven’t.  all I didn’t know had parts that are influenced by John Kennedy.  1960s history I always enjoyed, but some of the things that we now have because of events back then probably weren’t good ideas.  people have too much of a “if it feels good do it” mindset, and put all caution to the wind due to it, and just don’t care and have no moral boundaries.

16 Inspiring Songs That Honor JFK Pictures - The Tragedy That Shattered Camelot | Rolling Stone: "16 Inspiring Songs That Honor JFK"

On Nov. 22, 1963, the Beatles released their second album, the Beach Boys played to a record-breaking crowd in Marysville, CA, and Elvis Presley wept with gal pal Ann-Marget as they watched the shocking news on television about President John F. Kennedy's assassination.
Before that day, rock and roll was still in its happy-go-lucky infancy. After that fateful convertible ride through Dallas, the '60s became The Sixties, and a fast-maturing rock and roll would help guide the cultural and political shift waged by a generation that began to question the ways of the world. As we recognize the 50th anniversary of the day JFK was shot this week, here are some of our favorite musical nods to Kennedy and the tragedy that shattered Camelot.

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Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

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President Obama omits "under God" in gettysburg address taping

*President Obama is very misguided and needs to definitely prayed for!

‘That is an affront to the people who died there’: President Obama omits ‘under God’ from taped Gettysburg Address – Glenn Beck: "President Obama omits ‘under God"

President Obama already made headlines today for skipping the 150th anniversary ceremony of the Gettysburg Address citing a scheduling conflict, and now it looks like there is controversy surrounding his taped reading of the address.
President Obama and several other famous faces from the worlds of politics, entertainment, and business recorded versions of President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address for a project filmmaker Ken Burns produced for PBS. But in the video that President Obama recorded, two important words appear to have been omitted from the text: Under God.
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013


My recent speech for speech class was a motivational speech.  My teacher for this assignment gave us a topic to speak about.  My topic was “loyalty.”  The following is my speech.  I  plan on eventually filming these speeches and putting them up on youtube, so be on the lookout for them.

Ha! Loyalty. I don’t want to speak about no stinking loyalty. I have no desire to speak about loyalty. I would much rather speak about something else instead. Something I’m passionate about. What can I possibly teach you about loyalty? I want to do things my way, my rules. I don’t want to be loyal to this class, nor do I want to be loyal to anyone else for that matter! I just want to drop out…

When you think of lovalty, what comes to mind?...

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, “Loyalty” means “A feeling of strong support to someone or something.”

What I think about when I hear the word “Loyalty” are many great qualities that we all should have. Some of these great qualities might seem familiar to you because they might be your topic, but today I want to briefly cover three of them that seem to be the most important qualities of loyalty: dedication, love, and faithfulness.

First, let’s talk about dedication. I at first thought this was going to be a tough topic for me. As far as I know, I’m a pretty loyal person, but it’s nothing I really think about. And no matter how hard I try to do well at these things, I’m not a gifted speaker. I’m an introvert, and in public situations I’d rather be quiet and listen. Every time I have to come up here to speak, I try my best to do well – but I struggle. I can’t even memorize my whole speech, no matter how hard I try to. God has blessed me to be more open in public, but I still struggle badly with public speaking.

I thought I was ready to present my last speech, however the grade I got for it proved that I really wasn’t. But I didn’t want to give up., I wanted to remain dedicated to my degree plan, because it’s always been one of my dreams to work in the creative field, so why drop classes that are required over a lousy grade because of my faults? All that’s going to do is make me out to look bad and like a failure. What is that going to achieve?

I was also determined to do well in something for a change, so instead I’m going to keep pushing on and working hard because you shouldn’t let your faults bring you down. I see others who do better at things I would like to do well in, and it just makes me want to try even harder. I’m not a very smart person at all, and have had many setbacks in my life. We all have our setbacks at some point, but we should never give up. Giving up doesn’t lead to anything but failure. We should instead all remain loyal to our dreams and goals.–that is, be dedicated and do what we can to overcome our setbacks – even if it means doing something you really don’t want to do like getting up in front of speech class to give a speech when you’re not a gifted speaker. Sometimes throughout life we are presented with things we don’t want to do, but we have to be loyal and not argue about it and just do it. Arguing normally doesn’t accomplish anything.

A second good quality of loyalty is love. Have you ever loved something or someone so much, that you would do anything for them or it? Some people love certain bands so much, that they would travel miles to see them play. They are loyal to those bands. Some people would love a certain film series so much they will wait in line at the theater in the cold to see it on opening day. Some people also love technology so much they will camp in parking lots to receive the first item on the shelf. these people love these things so much, that they are loyal to them. . Some people love their jobs so much that they would give up family time to be at work. Is some loyalty good? Probably not, but just use common sense and do the right thing, what or who should you love more? What or who is more important to you?

I met my wife 4 years ago, and we have had problems since the beginning of our relationship, but I love her very much that despite our problems I’m very loyal to her and I refuse to give up.

A dog is also very loyal to his master because he loves his master. A dog loves his master so much that he will just greet him each time he comes home, even when his master was only gone for a minute. If that’s not loyalty, I don’t know what is.

And finally: faithfullness. I found God recently. September 1st to be more specific, and have been trying to put him first in my life. It’s difficult at times, but I still try. He has actually changed my life! He has blessed me quite a few times since I started putting him first, and even though stupid things still happen that cause me to question my faith, I still remain loyal to God. I know I’m not the only one who questions my faith either. A friend of mine at my church questions his faith sometimes as well, as I’m sure a lot of believers do. His wife is pregnant, and they are having major problems with the pregnancy. That would cause me to question my faith also but he still remains loyal and faithful to God.

Even Job from the bible remained faithful to God. Satan wanted God to allow Satan to test Job, to see if Job will turn his back on God. God allowed Satan to, and Satan wreaked all kinds of havoc on Job’s life. Letting all kinds of bad things happen to Job. Job not once turned his back to God, nor did he curse God and remained loyal to him.

Faithfulness, love, dedication. These are Three of the most important words I think of when I hear the word “loyalty”. Whatever it is you are doing in life: relationships, school, or work, you should remain loyal despite setbacks, and not throw in the towel. You also shouldn’t rebel against certain things asked of you. If you remain loyal you will eventually achieve great things, and be happier. Why live life like a quitter when that doesn’t accomplish anything?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Jesus Teaches About Worry

Matthew 6:25-34 "That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear.  Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing?  Look at the birds.  They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly father feeds them.  And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?  Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?

And why worry about your clothing?  Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow.  They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.  And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.  Why do you have so little faith?

So don't worry about these things, saying 'What will we eat?  What will we drink?  What will we wear?  These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly father already knows all your needs.  Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.  Today's trouble is enough for today."

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Quote of the Day For October 12, 2013

"Commonsense and good nature will do a lot to make the pilgrimage of life not too difficult."
--William Somerset Maugham

Verse of the Day For October 12, 2013

1 Chronicles 16:34 "Give thanks to the lord, for he is good!  His faithful love endures forever."

Cookin' On The Creek Logo

Recently, my intro to digital media class had a chance to create a logo for a client.  The Harrison Chamber of Commerce wanted a logo for the upcoming 4th annual “Cookin’ On The Creek” Festival.  My logo wasn’t chosen which is ok, but it wasn’t too bad.  what do you all think?

Friday, October 11, 2013

Changing A Flat Tire

Have you ever been driving along, and all of a sudden you start hearing that sound from your tires that doesn’t sound quite right?  Sometimes that sound can get even louder.  It’s a sound I can’t describe, and it makes you panicky wondering what’s going on, Folks, I had this experience recently.  Twice, as a matter of fact.  Obviously, I had a tire that went flat.  You can be on a crowded busy street somewhere, and you know you shouldn’t be driving on this tire, so what do you do, Right?

A couple months ago I had a flat while I was driving down the road and I started to panic wondering what I should do, and more recently I had a flat again but luckily I wasn’t driving down the road the last time.
Today, I’m going to demonstrate to you the best I can what you need to do to change a flat tire, that way when you do have one you don’t have to be like me a couple months ago and get panicky wondering what to do.

First off, don’t panic and find a safe flat area to pull over at.  Panicking will probably just leave you frustrated, and you don’t want to be frustrated while being on a busy road looking for a spot to pullover at.  Find a spot as quickly as possible, and then make your turn into that spot.

When you find a spot, make sure it’s flat enough so that when your car is jacked up it doesn’t end up rolling over.  Pull over and be sure to turn your hazard lights on, so that people passing by you can drive by with caution.

                        Second, you should grab all the tools that you will need from wherever they are stored in your vehicle.  There should be 3 things in your car that you will need to change your flat:  a jack, a lugnut wrench, and your spare tire.  I personally wasn’t going to bring in the spare tire, because I didn’t want anyone in the school wondering why someone was walking around in the school with a tire.

Your next step is to take the flat tire off.  First, Loosen the lugnuts most of the way using your lugnut wrench, but make sure not to loosen them completely.  Since the lugnuts are usually on pretty tight, my suggestion is to use your foot on the lugnut wrench to start loosening them since your foot is probably much stronger than your hands are. – and be sure to remember that famous phrase: righty tighty, lefty loosy.

Next, find a sturdy spot under your car near where the flat tire is to place your jack, and then start jacking your car up.  Jack it up just high enough so the tire is off the ground.  Then take the lugnuts off the rest of the way, either with the lugnut wrench or your fingers, and then remove the old tire.

Now we’re ready to put our spare on.  Take the spare tire and place it on the axle, matching the bolts on the axle with the holes on the rim of your spare, and be sure the tire is flush with your axle, this helps make sure it’s on straight and won’t damage your car.

put your lugnuts back on, and hand tighten them.  Make sure the tire stays flush with your axle.  When you tighten the lugnuts, be sure to tighten them in a cris-cross fashion so that the tire stays straight.  In other words, tighten this one, and then tighten this one, and then this one, and so forth.

Now lower your jack, and then use your lugnut wrench to tighten the lugnuts the rest of the way, again making sure that you tighten them in a cris-cross fashion.  Be sure to use your foot on your lugnut wrench when tightening them as well to make it even more tighter so that you don’t risk your spare tire falling off.
After you put all your tools away, and stowed away the old tire, you are now ready to be back on your way.  Turn off your hazard lights, and then make your way back into traffic safely.

Today I demonstrated to you what you need to do to change a flat tire, safely and effectively if you ever needed to change one.  If you get a flat, you probably shouldn’t just keep driving, you will risk a blow-out, endangering others.  Just pull off to the side of the road and just change the tire.  Just 10 minutes can save your car and lives.  Thank you.

Monday, September 23, 2013

James 3:1-12

Today’s lesson in Sunday school class is one all of us probably struggle with.  We need to learn to control your tongues and watch your words.  The words you end up saying might end up being hurtful, sometimes it is probably best to just stay quiet. 

Dear friends, today’s Christian life lesson is found in the book of James, Chapter 3, Verses 1 - 12; and let me tell you - I sat down and read the complete book of James this past week - There is some great stuff in there!  I also advise you all to read all the books the Apostle Paul wrote as well: Romans, Acts, Philippians, Ephesians, etc.  Such great things to learn can be found in those books as well!  Remember Philippians 4:13 “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENS ME!”


JAMES 3:1-12:

“Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.  Indeed, we all make many mistakes.  For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.
We can make a large horse go wherever we want by means of a small bit in its mouth, and a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong.  In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. 
But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.  And the tongue is a flame of fire.  It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body.  It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.
People can tame all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, but no one can tame the tongue.  It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison.  Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God.  And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth.  Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!  Does a spring of water bubble out with both fresh water and bitter water?  Does a fig tree produce olives, or a grapevine produce figs?  No, and you can’t draw fresh water from a salty spring.”

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bob Dylan’s “Pressing On”

Bob Dylan has always been one of my favorite musicians, and I have no clue what his beliefs are currently, but in 1980 he found God and put out a couple of pretty good Christian records: “Saved” and “Slow Train Coming.”  This particular song of his I first heard a few years ago when an artist I never heard of by the name of “John Doe” covered it for the soundtrack to the fictional dylan biopic “I’m Not There.”  The song is called “Pressing On” - one of my favorite Christian songs!

“PRESSING ON” by Bob Dylan

Well I'm pressing on
Yes, I'm pressing on
Well I'm pressing on
To the higher calling of my lord.

Many try to stop me, shake me up in my mind
Say, "Prove to me that He is Lord, show me a sign"
What kind of sign they need when it all come from within
When what's lost has been found, what's to come has already been ?

Well I'm pressing on
Yes, I'm pressing on
Well I'm pressing on
To the higher calling of my lord.

Shake the dust off of your feet, don't look back
Nothing can hold you down, nothing that you lack
Temptation's not an easy thing, Adam given the devil reign
Because he sinned I got no choice, it run in my vein.

Well I'm pressing on
Yes, I'm pressing on
Well I'm pressing on
To the higher calling of my lord.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

James 2:1-13

Today in Sunday school we learned to be more welcoming to people at church and less judgemental. This is a major issue I have, and I think it’s out of fear of how people I don’t know might think of me, so I just simply don’t do it.  Last week, one person got baptized and another came forward and wanted to join the church.  I sat in the pew waiting for the line to die down to shake the hands of  those that just joined, but stupid me never got in line to shake their hands.  I felt fearful.  After today’s sunday school lesson, God laid it on my heart.  I felt I need to try and be more friendlier with those I do not know.  So when a family of 4 presented thereselves to join today, and another baptism was done - I got in line to shake there hands and welcome them.  There was no feelings of fear whatsoever.  God has uplifted that fear from me.

Read James 2:1-13.  It is some great words to live by - that can help you anywhere.  Not just for meeting people at church, but anywhere you go.  Be more welcoming to people and less judgemental.

James 2:1-13
"My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others? For example, suppose someone comes into your meeting dressed in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry, and another comes in who is poor and dressed in dirty clothes. If you give special attention and a good seat to the rich person, but you say to the poor one, 'You can stand over there, or else sit on the floor" - well, doesn't this discrimination show that your judgements are guided by evil motives? Listen to me, dear brothers and sisters. Hasn't God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith? Aren't they the ones who will inherit the kingdom he promised to those who love him? But you dishonor the poor! Isn't it the rich who oppress you and drag you into court? Arent they the ones who slander Jesus Christ, whose noble name you bear? Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures. 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law. For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God's laws. For the same God who said, 'You must not commit adultery,' also said, 'You must not murder.' So if you murder someone but do not commit adultery, you have still broken the law. So whatever you say or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free. There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you."

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I’m A Creative Individual (Speech #1)


How many of you in here today like to write, draw, make films, or create different types of artwork?  There have been creative people since the dawn of time.  Authors, playwrights, filmmakers, songwriters, composers, painters, sculptors, and in today’s age even digital artists.

All of us in this room are interested in some sort of form of creative work.  Even if you are not a very creative person, you do enjoy things that a creative person made. Different songs you might like, films you like to watch, books you may like to read, or you might even be interested in looking at certain pieces of artwork.  All of these things, creative people played a role in making.

I, myself, am a pretty creative individual.  I have been ever since I was young.  I have even shocked myself when recently I picked up a hobby in painting.  Some of the things I like to do for fun are make short films, paint, write, and work with digital design.

Today I am going to express what led me to an interest in wanting to make short films, work with digital design, and what got me interested in painting.

Let’s start with my interest in making short films, first.  I was probably around 10 or so when I first got interested in making short films.  The film that started that interest for me was Back To The Future.  The special effects and the story line left me awestruck.  As a kid I always wondered “How did they do that?”  When I heard that Steven Spielberg played a role in the making of the series, I had gotten interested in his other films, and to this day he remains one of my biggest influences, although my short films are nothing like his.  I was so inspired by the film and it’s sequels that I at one time even wrote a screenplay that was similar to it. 

I was so interested in the technicalities of making a movie, that when my Jr. High school offered me a chance to work on there “news” broadcast that the students put on for the school, I took it.  My job was to run the cameras and the mixing board, and even do some video editing.

Mom even bought a camcorder to video family events with.  Now, this camcorder wasn’t one of those small dinky pocket size ones you have now.  This one was a big one that weighed probably 5 or 10 pounds that you put a VCR tape in to record on.  I took the skills I learned in that Jr. High broadcast class and started making my own little videos and things with it, including me and a couple friends doing things in front of the camera.  I eventually bought a digital camcorder, and I have made a few documentary type films that I have put on YouTube.  I would love to possibly make some Christian films someday.

Another creative thing I like to do, which I probably have a better chance at having a possible career with, is digital design.

I was 16 years old when I first started using the internet, and the first time I used it I learned that anyone could create their own websites, however at that time there were several sites online that offered “build your own personal website” services, but the technology of it I thought was pretty basic, and not very creative.  I wanted to learn how to be creative with site design, and how to build a site from scratch so I bought a book on HTML web design, and for those of you that don’t know HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language – it’s the language that tells a web browser how to show the pages you have created.

When I was 23, I was taking care of a website for a friend of mine, when someone he worked with who knew about graphic design came up to him and said he could make the site look much more professional.  My friend in turn put me in touch with this co-worker who introduced me to graphic design.  I than learned some graphics editing software and designed some graphics of my own with the software, and realized I have potential working in the digital arts field.

This eventually led me to want to go back to school, so I am now currently in my 3rd semester here at NorthArk for My Information Technology with the Emphasis in Digital Media degree.

During my first semester here, I took Basic Design I.  At the beginning of that semester, I didn’t think I would do that well in that class.  Even though I am pretty creative, I never saw myself as much of a painter.  In art classes growing up, all I could draw were stick figures, and my lines were never straight and I often had difficulties coloring in the lines.  In basic design class though, I learned I don’t have to be able to really draw to be a painter.  I just got to have a creative imagination, and anything can become art.

I don’t think I’m a great artist though.  My work is nothing compared to Picasso, or Dali, or Van Gogh’s work.  However, I do feel my work does have some potential.  I have made some paintings that I am currently trying to sell, and when my wife and I are running our booth at the farmer’s market, my paintings are usually on display there.

In closing, today I introduced myself and my creativity and what led me to being a creative minded individual.  I personally believe that we all have a creative side to us in some way, shape or form.  However, I think some of us feel that is our true calling in life.  I am on several social networks for the sole purpose of marketing my brand.  The brand of which is my creativity.  I would love to use my creative mind for anyone that needs creative thought and input.  So remember, whenever you watch a good film, read a good book, see a painting that you like – somebody with a creative mind did that.  Thank you.

10 Steps To The Perfect Portfolio Website | Smashing Magazine

My "Professional Image Building" teacher shared us this article.  Very interesting!  I thought I would reshare it.

10 Steps To The Perfect Portfolio Website | Smashing Magazine: "You may have a personal portfolio website for a number of reasons."   If you’re a freelancer, then you’d need one to showcase your work and allow people to contact you. If you’re a student (or unemployed), then you’d need one to show prospective employers how good you are and what you can do, so that they might hire you. If you’re part of a studio, then you might use one to blog about your design life, show people what you’re doing and build your online presence.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/11 Remembrance

Tomorrow as we all know is the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on this great nation of ours. anytime between 9:00am and 10:00am why don't we all stop whatever it is we are doing, and meditate for a bit and say a prayer for America. Thanks, and God bless America!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

We Were Featured In The Harrison Daily Times Yesterday

Kristina and I were featured in the Harrison Daily Times newspaper yesterday, advertising our booth at the Central Ozarks Farmers & Artisan Market - which is held on the Harrison Square each Tuesday and Saturday from 6:00am until 12:00pm through October (Although we probably won't be there on Tuesdays anymore).  She has over 200+ patterns of scrunchies to choose from, headbands and bracelets - all handmaid.  My paintings are there also for sale.  I have 10 paintings ready to sell, and currently working on more and I also take custom orders.  Next Saturday (September 7) we will be there from 6:00am until 5:00pm during the Blue Sky Art Festival.  Stop by and support your local art and crafters!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

This Is My Testimony



I don’t know very much. I am pretty much a simpleton in this world. You ask me a question, I have no answer. While growing up, my parents were very over protective of us. Mom took care of everything and dad would laugh at me when I wasn’t able to do anything. Sometimes he would call me a baby because of things I wasn’t able to handle. If I remember right, even called me a girly boy a few times. I’d tell him things that would interest me and what I’d want to be when I grew up and he would laugh and tell me I needed real goals and dreams. Could you imagine what that does to a kid?

In school I was always picked on and harassed. Mom took me out of one school and switched me to another because of the harassment. The harassment even led to a nasty untrue rumor, that eventually got around to the new school.

I remember I started experiencing all these troubles when I was 10, when my family moved from the south-side of town to the north-side of town. I was the new kid, I guess. And I was also a loner. I picked up an interest in film and would act out my favorite films by myself on the playground during recess, I guess the other kids thought I was different than them so they just laughed at me. I guess this is where the harassment from them started.

Mom would see the things that sparked my interests. Mainly creative things: writing, music, and film and she would encourage me to keep on those interests, however what do I do to get people to see my talents? What do I do to develop those things? She bought me books on how to develop them, and helped me somewhat on that and was a major encouragement, but I don’t think she properly taught me how to handle things on my own. I was taught never to fight, to always run. However when I got older dad wanted me to build muscles and tried to get me to learn to fight – at a time when I felt “why for? I was told never to fight and now you’re telling me to?” My dad can be very confusing with his “do as I say, not as I do” way of thinking. He would drink and smoke but then tell us kids not to. Telling me not to fight back, just walk away but then trying to get me to learn to fight? I had no interest in building up muscle to fight. All I wanted was for him to quit laughing at me for not being able to do things, for the other kids to quit laughing at me, and to be able to do things and not get laughed at for them. I just wanted to be left alone.

I wasn’t harassed much in high school, but when others would make jokes directed towards me and weren’t necessarily being mean, I wasn’t able to recognize it because in the past I would experience it as harassment. I wanted to go to college after high school, but with run-ins with authority at school who sometimes looked at me like I was nothing but trouble when I wasn’t doing anything really wrong, and kept to myself mostly (I can’t remember the number of times I landed in the principal’s office just for telling others how I felt about things), and not being able to grasp certain educational concepts and being afraid I would get laughed at for asking teachers questions, I failed school. I graduated as a 2.0 or so gpa – I had mainly Ds and Cs. I had a chance during school to be an intern at a tv studio that mom set-up for me. I went for a tour of the studio, but in order for the job I had to talk to the supervisor of the studio but I was afraid to. I was afraid of rejection. I use the excuse to this day that it was because of the fact that I was working at the time, and wanted to make money, but looking back on it I think I didn’t do it really out of fear of getting rejected, so after graduation I just went to work in the retail industry in different stores. In 1999 I heard about a film school in New York, so I sent off for some information. Dad got the information before I did and even at 19 years old still insisted on laughing at me for my interests and dreams!

In 2002 I had nothing going for me, so I wanted to move far away to get my life on track. I had no real money saved up, so I got up the courage enough to talk to dad and his only reply was, “you can’t do that. What if something happened and you needed me and your mom’s help?” The thing was, I didn’t want my parents help anymore! I wanted to be able to be able to be on my own – heck, I was 22 years old!

In 2003, I lost my job at walmart and someone turned me on to graphic design. I realized that I was creative enough to probably do very well at it, and in 2007 I saw an ad for a digital creative school in Florida called “Fullsail University.” I sent off for info, and it’s obviously the dream school for me. However in order to go there I would need to have money for a trip to florida to tour the school, and I would than eventually needed to also have money to move there. My ex-wife, who I was with at the time, encouraged me to go to that school however, I didn’t have the money to go there, so I felt life wasn’t going my way at all.

In 2009, we break up and I met someone new and in February 2012 a tornado destroyed the store I was working at in Branson. I felt like what do I do now? My current wife and I got married, and I heard about the digital media program at North Arkansas College. I saw the classes necessary for the degree and I thought – “that’s the perfect degree for me!!” so I did what I needed to do to get started at NAC and this current semester we are in now is my 3rd semester.

Sometime after my current wife and I got married, we started having some marital issues. We always had problems with our relationship but they got worse when we married. In April 2013, we had a huge fight where I ended up getting mom involved and she called the cops and I was arrested for a night. The next day my wife and I separated, and a couple days later her kids are taken away. We get back together a month later to try to work on things, which wasn’t a very successful attempt. She’s now in the DHS system and sees a counselor there. (All this is another long story that nobody really needs to know about)

Because of a blowout, she wanted to take me to one of the counseling sessions. So I went with her to probably 4 sessions, where I learned that I needed to quit depending on my mom and dad for help. After another blowout we separated again and so that counselor hasn’t requested to see me since then. (Also note: in April 2013, when the DHS investigator was doing there investigative report, they wrote that I “appear to be below average functioning” – which does not help my self-esteem much either!)

Even though my wife and I are separated, we are still together and I am now currently living with my brother. I have been since July 2013. I am currently battling with my mom sometimes when I try to confront her about why I think I have the problems that I do. She is very defensive about her overprotective parenting. My brother may have disabilities where he needs help on some things, and doesn’t understand certain things, but I am trying my best to help him and get him to understand things. I have expressed to him several nights how I been feeling.

Unfortunately, probably because of these conversations with him he has probably started having a worse attitude to mom, I don’t know. But mom has expressed to me that his attitude to her has gotten worse, and even though I hadn’t told her about conversations with my brother she feels I been telling him things. I have nothing against my mom and dad, however their overprotective parenting gets on my nerves. I feel it has stunted my growth as an individual. For the most part of my life she took care of important things because I didn’t know how to. I could take care of my own finances, but that was probably about it. So despite his disabilities I have tried to help my brother get more independent. Trying to show him why I feel our lives are so messed up. He probably started having a worse attitude toward her because of this, which wasn’t my intention, and when I even try to talk to mom about things I’ll be calm about it and she wants to be all upset about it. I try to open up to her and tell her why I feel my life has been so messed up, and since it deals with how she raised us she gets very defensive, and hateful and refuses to listen or understand what I’m trying to tell her. I find one of my biggest issues is I am easily irritable when others are irritated at me. I have learned that there are better ways to handle certain situations in this world and one should not get so irritated. Yes, I still get irritated I just try to still remain calm as much as I can.

What is wrong with my life? I was saved at age 16, but I do feel it was mainly from peer pressure. I was baptized in a Presbyterian church at 17 because mom and dad wanted our family to join the church. However, did I really understand God or his love? Somewhat, but not really. I even attended church each Sunday there for a while for the rest of high school, but had a falling out with them because of confusion, so for a while after I graduated I quit going to church unless I was invited somewhere. And then for the last couple years I attended somewhere, and in June 2012 (a month before my wife and I got married) she invited me to go to Alpena First Baptist Church, and I attend Sunday school and church there each Sunday ever since.

I hear other’s testimonies which are absolutely amazing. Including my best friend’s testimony (who is a member of Harrison First Baptist Church, by the way – where I attended for about a year) – and his testimony never fails to amaze me. The other testimonies I hear also never fail to amaze me. I hear about the scriptures in the bible. I may never understand God’s power completely, but it’s amazing how he has healed others through his grace!

So what is my testimony? What can I share to express my feelings of God’s love?

I’m not a very smart person. I don’t know much about anything accept for things that interest me. I definitely wasn’t a great student in school growing up, and I am not an A student in college, but I’m excelling more now as a college student than I ever did in school growing up. I was shocked at my grades in math and English last semester! I made Bs! In high school those were probably my worse classes (getting Ds in them)! I’m also a very quiet, shy, and introverted person. I don’t like to stand in front of crowds, or speak to people I don’t know, or even read in public settings, however this last Saturday I was helping my wife at our booth at the farmer’s market and I was able to lure all sorts of people to our booth. We stayed the longest we ever did that day, until 11:30 – and she was $28 richer from the sales she made that day, normally she only makes about $10 - $15, if she makes anything at all. (My wife has also denounced God completely because of her own personal problems, and every time I witness to her she flips out at me, but I do still keep trying and hope someday I can be able to win her back to the lord, please pray for her) Last week I was also able to read a whole set of verses in Sunday evening bible study without any issues, and this morning in Sunday school I stepped up (without being asked to) and read a set of verses.

I have come to realize that it don’t matter who you are, what your background is, or why you are afraid of doing things in life, but if God is put first in your life than you can do anything. If God is there for us, than who can be against us?

Friday, August 23, 2013

Eureka Springs, Arkansas

I went to Eureka Springs today.  tried to go to Thorn Crown chapel, and there was an older guy there in a convertible by the gate and he said snottily "it's closed."  I asked if we were able to go in and take pictures of the outside of it he said even more rudely "no, they're closed."  So I pull forward so I can turn around to leave and he told me rather snottily "you can't turn around, you got to back up." - this guy was not very friendly.  I don't know if he was the owner and thought I was some punk kid or what, but God didn't put us on this planet to be rude to each other.

On a positive note: went to the great passion play attraction while up there.  didn't see the play though but went to a museum there.  had an awesome Jack Dawson exhibit on display.  the curator of the museum (i guess that's who it was) gave us a tour of the exhibit.  One painting I just had to buy a copy of was "Heart Of Warrior." - very awesome painting!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Faith Bible Institute

There's a class offered at my church called Faith Bible Institute. I have never taken such a class before, and don't know much about the bible or God. I'm very confused about both. Tonight was the first session for this year and I tell you what - I AM GOING TO CONTINUE TO GO!!! It is a very awesome class. Gets you excited about the word of God and excited about God and wanting to share the love and gospel of our lord Jesus Christ. if such a class is offered where you are at I urge you to take it!!!

My 3rd semester into my degree starts tomorrow!! YAY!!!!!

starting school again in the morning! yay! tomorrow starts my 3rd semester into my digital media degree! I am taking adobe indesign, intro to digital media, speech, principles of marketing and pro image building! yay!!! i can't wait to graduate and be able to hopefully find work doing something i really enjoy that pays very well!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

verse of the day, august 11, 2013

Psalm 119:14“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.”

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quote of the day august 11, 2013

Quote of the Day:
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
--Elbert Green Hubbard

Sunday, August 4, 2013

“Crosses On Cavalry”

This is my newest painting I just finished tonight.  It’s an 8x10 I call “Crosses On Cavalry.”  What do you guys think of it?

Crosses On Cavalry

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Quote of the Day, 7/27/2013

Quote of the Day:
Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos.
--Will Durant

Verse of the Day, 7/27/2013

Philippians 3:14“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

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Monday, July 22, 2013

4 Strats

This is a new painting I just did today.  it’s an abstract painting of a Fender Stratocaster body.  what do you all think of it?

4 Strats

Friday, July 19, 2013

“Abbey Road In A Variety of Greens And Greys”

I recently sold the painting I painted a couple weeks ago Titled “Abbey Road In  A Variety of Blues.”  So tonight I decided I would stick to the tried and true ones that sell and paint another version of it.  I call this one "Abbey Road In A Variety of Greens & Greys" - Original mixed medium painting (acrylic & collage) I painted.  It is for sale for $10 if anyone is interested.

Abbey Road In A Variety of Greens and Greys

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Verse of The Day - Wednesday July 17, 2013

Romans 1:16“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

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Quote of the day - July 17, 2013

Quote of the Day:
When all else fails, read the instructions.
--Cahn's Axiom
also known as RTFM (Read The F'in Manual)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Facebook Parenting For The Troubled Teen

A couple years ago, a father who was very upset about his daughter posting an offensive message about him on facebook decided to take revenge on her by shooting his laptop with his revolver and posting the video of it on the social media networks to get his point across. 

It was a serious incident, but it took the internet by storm causing an uproar on the social network scene.  Definitely caused some controversy.  several people since have created parodies of the video.  What you are about to see is my own parody of it.  Enjoy!

Facebook Parenting For The Troubled Teen

Monday, July 8, 2013

“What Would Jesus Do” by Big Tent Revival

I remember a fad going around amongst Christian kids when I was a senior in high school.  I’m sure the fad is still there amongst Christians, but it’s difficult to find them anywhere.  they were these WWJD armbands.  It would be nice to find one now for my arm. 

When I first started going on my own to church, I got turned on to a great Christian rock band called Big Tent Revival.  I think they are now retired from the music scene, but were a great band.  Their lead singer, Steve Wiggins, I even heard was from Fort Smith, Arkansas - where I lived for the last 3 years of my teenage years and even graduated from high school at.  I heard he even attended the Grand Avenue Baptist Church there.

This song I recently heard again for the first time in years, and it’s a question I ask in every situation I’m in - especially in this time in my life.  What Would Jesus Do?

“What Would Jesus Do” by Big Tent Revival

Some people just want to survive
And I don't know about you
But I am alive
Lately it seems that I need a hand
In a fallen world, I just want to stand

What would Jesus do walkin' in my shoes
Workin' at my job and goin' to my school?
And I hear people say, "Jesus is the way"
I believe and that is way I'm asking you
What would Jesus do?

And as we all know
Life can be tough
And all that we need is love - sweet love
So where do we go? Well here's what I see
To change my world
I gotta change me
Sometimes choices don't seem black and white
And they can leave you black and blue

What would Jesus do - He'd give His life for you
If you follow Him - you'll give your life to them
Shine on - Shine on - Follow with Jesus
Shine on - Shine on - Follow with Jesus

Friday, July 5, 2013

My Original Artwork

I thought I posted some of these on my blog, but apparently I didn’t.  I started painting in the fall of 2012 after taking a basic design class in college.  I than got hooked onto painting.

These are some paintings I have done since than and also for that class.  Some of these are even for sale if you’re interested.

Here’s a tip for you: I don’t recommend using that spray adhesive glue when making collage paintings: the adhesive gets all over your hands, and when trying to fix the pieces you’re gluing on they won’t fix right because your hand is too sticky.  your best bet is to probably use a glue stick. lol.

Abbey Road In A Variety of Blues

"Abbey Road In A Variety of Blues”





"Back To The Future" - influenced by my favorite film series.  For Sale!  $5

“Back To The Future”







“Objective Abstraction Guitar”





Repeated-Motif-Final“Repeated Motif Guitar”

Bible Verse of the Day - July 5, 2013

Isaiah 12:4“In that day you will say: “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”

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Quote of the Day - July 5, 2013

Quote of the Day:
A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
--Igor Stravinsky

Thursday, July 4, 2013

“Awaken” by Natalie Grant

I have been going through some very difficult times lately, and have been reaching out more towards God lately because of it.  A couple weeks ago I was driving to walmart at night and listening to a contemporary Christian station.  “Awaken” by Natalie Grant came on.  I never heard the song before, nor have I ever heard of Natalie Grant.  But the song touched me deeply.  It explains how I have been feeling.

“Awaken” by Natalie Grant

Sometimes I feel like I'm just existing
I'm not really living
I'm only watching the time slip away
I've forgotten who I am in you
I'm not who I'm meant to be
I'm drifting farther away from my destiny

Awaken my heart, awaken my soul
Awaken your power and take control
Awaken the passion to live for you, lord
Awaken me

My soul is longing, my heart is searching
I'm desperate for you to move
Give me a hunger, pull me closer
I'm crying out to you

Awaken my heart, awaken my soul
Awaken your power and take control
Awaken the passion to live for you, lord
Open my eyes so I can see your presence
Dwelling inside

Wake me up, cause I can't live another minute
if I'm not shining your light

Awaken my heart, awaken my soul
Awaken the passion in me

Lord, awaken me to live my destiny
Lord, awaken me and shine your light through me
Lord, awaken me to live my destiny
Lord, awaken me and shine your light through me

What’s this life for?

I have often wondered and thought to myself: What is this life for?  I have been searching for 33 years - and I’m 33.  Seeking God for proper guidance, etc. and nothing I find.

When I was in my 20s, I lived alone and worked for walmart and got drunk on my nights off.  When I left that job, I stayed home about 90% of my time never going anywhere accept maybe on the weekends.  I met my ex-wife whom I was with for 4 years, but that marriage eventually failed.  I than meet my current wife who I have been with the past 4 years, but it’s been a rocky relationship since day one - even though we have some good days, and we are now currently separated.  I am now staying at my brother’s house until who knows when.

I do have hobbies and interests, and most of them include creativity - which is why I have this blog and why I’m signed up for several social networks to begin with: to promote my creativity in hopes that the right person sees it and gives my life new meaning.  I don’t feel like I have any other skills or talents, and feel this is my only outlet to show the creative world what I know that I can do!

I feel that God has called me to be a very creative person, even though I’m really not all that creative but I try hard to be.  However the right person who can help me make a living at this hasn’t come along yet, and I feel stuck in this world.  other than the creative stuff, I don’t feel like I can do good anywhere else.  I want a family and a relationship, but I’m not a good father figure to my step-kids.  I try to be and want to be but I can’t figure out how to balance my time on the computer to my time with them.  I want a great relationship with my current wife but I can’t seem to figure out how to balance my computer time to time with her either, and besides that I just feel stepped on a lot.

I just pray God answers some prayers soon.  I just don’t know what else to do.  Some people have a stronger strength in God.  I definitely admire those people.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Quote of the Day - July 3, 2013

Quote of the Day:
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
--John Kenneth Galbraith

Verse of The Day - July 3, 2013

Proverbs 14:34“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”

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Speaker Polarity

I’m not a very smart person (don’t know if I ever will be), and I don’t know very much, but I decided that there are a few things I do know about and created a new category for helpful tips and advice. 

This one is on speaker polarity.  I was setting up my home theater speakers for the first time in a while, and I always get lost on the polarity.  I want the speakers to sound like they should so I want to get the + wire right and the - wire right.  some wires have it written which is which, but they don’t always and I have always thought the ones with the white stripe was the - wire.  I did some research online, and what I have found is this:

one wire is marked, the other’s not marked.  It doesn’t matter which wire you use.  Just make your own decision on what wire will be + and which will be -.  When you make that decision, stick by it for all the speakers.  However, if the wire is marked + or -, that my friends, is pretty obvious.  lol.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Verse of the Day - 6/24/2013

2 Thessalonians 3:3“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

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Quote of the Day - 6/24/2013

Quote of the Day:
In this world, it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
--Henry Ward Beecher

Friday, June 21, 2013

Quote of the Day - 6/21/2013

Quote of the Day:
For greed, all nature is too little.
--Seneca, Roman statesman and author

Verse of the Day - 6/21/2013

Psalm 91:1“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Quote of the Day, 6/20/2013

Quote of the Day:
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
--John Calvin Coolidge

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Quote of the Day - Wednesday 6/19/2013

Quote of the Day:
One way to stop a runaway horse is to bet on him.
--Jeffrey Bernard

Verse of the Day - Wednesday 6/19/2013

Mark 8:36“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Quote of the Day - 6/17/2013

Quote of the Day:
The person who is not hungry says that the coconut has a hard shell.
--African Tribal Saying

Verse of the Day - 6/17/2013

Psalm 68:4-5“Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him—his name is the LORD. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”

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Friday, June 14, 2013

No on invasion of privacy acts!

The United States of America is a nation founded on freedoms.  Freedom of speech, Freedom of privacy, freedom to start a business, freedom to do as we such please as long as we’re not harming anybody.  Over the past 50+ years we started losing those freedoms, and we have lost more over the past 5 years since Obama took office.  You can’t draw a picture of a gun, say the word “Gun”, or even have a pop-tart shaped like a Gun without getting into trouble.  Rediculous!

Recently I heard that the Obama administration has asked Verizon to disclose all their customers personal data information and that they want all the other major information technology services to do the same thing for the sake of homeland security.  I don’t think they need anybody’s information without probable cause.  That is against our 4th amendment rights!  we have a right to privacy and I think we should fight against the Obama administration on this issue.  The 4th Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution strictly states “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” - allowing the U.S. government to have access to our privacy is going against our 4th amendment rights!  I say we should fight against this!

Please go to this link and tell your senators and congressmen that we don’t want them to infringe on our 4th amendment rights!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Information about some of my blog posts

For those of you who don’t know, I have been writing since I was 14 years old.  I never really published any of my work before, but one of my poems (“LOVE”) became a finalist in a poetry contest one year. 

    Ever since I started writing, I have wrote stories, screenplays, comedy skits, and numerous poems and song lyrics.  I have also made an attempt at songwriting.  I have never published anything though accept for what I published online, and I remind you that each work you see on this blog are copyrighted.

    In the spring of 1998 I decided to take all the material I have written over the years and put them on the computer.  I had so much stuff I have written from 1994 to 1998, that it pretty much became a 3 day project.

You may run into some real crazy stuff as you read.  You tend to get bored in school when your work is done.  That’s when I wrote the real crazy and somewhat funny stuff that you read in here.

In closing, I hope you enjoy what you read on here, and I hope that maybe it will open your mind up a little bit and help you learn about me and my most truest and deepest thoughts and feelings.

Verse of the Day - 6/13/2013

Luke 11:13“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!””

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Quote of The Day, 6/13/2013

Quote of the Day:
None of you really has faith unless he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.
--Prophet Muhammad

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Crazy Lyrics In Pop Songs

I was listening to the  “90s on 9” channel on XM radio, and  one song made me remember a show I seen recently where celebrities talked about stupid and crazy lyrics used in songs.  It seems as if no one pays attention to lyrics in songs besides me, lol.  Is it just me or are lyrics in some of the most popular songs just lame?  I touch myself?   I’m a mother father gentleman? give me a break lol.  what will they think up next? lol.

Quote of the Day - June 2, 2013

Quote of the Day:
It takes a steady hand to carry a full cup.

Verse of the Day - June 2, 2013

Hebrews 9:28“so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Verse of the Day, 5/22/2013

Galatians 5:13“[Life by the Spirit] You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”

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Quote of the Day, 5/22/2013

Quote of the Day:
Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.
--David Starr Jordan

Brad Paisley’s “Accidental Racist”

I just heard this generation’s “Ebony And Ivory” (Paul McCartney song featuring Stevie Wonder).  It’s a song called “Accidental Racist” performed by Brad Paisley and LL Cool J from Brad Paisley’s new CD “Wheelhouse.”  It’s a great song with a great message.  Definitely an anti-racist song.

I sometimes feel people are racist because of history.  The real racists don’t seem to understand, to be honest.  I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and when I was growing up I knew nothing about the confederate flag.  What I knew about it, I learned from TV and in history books, and at the time it seemed like anyone waving the confederate flag was racist - so yes, even I misunderstood it where I hated seeing that flag because I was never racist.  As I got older however, I learned waving the flag has nothing to do with being racist.  It has to do with being proud of where you’re from - not what your ancestors have done though necessarily.  This song speaks on that Perspective.

“ACCIDENTAL RACIST”  (Featuring LL Cool J) [written by Brad Paisley, LL Cool J, Lee Thomas Miller]

To the man that waited on me at the Starbucks down on Main, I hope you understand
When I put on that t-shirt, the only thing I meant to say is I’m a Skynyrd fan
The red flag on my chest somehow is like the elephant in the corner of the south
And I just walked him right in the room
Just a proud rebel son with an ‘ol can of worms
Lookin’ like I got a lot to learn but from my point of view

I’m just a white man comin’ to you from the southland
Tryin’ to understand what it’s like not to be
I’m proud of where I’m from but not everything we’ve done
And it ain’t like you and me can re-write history
Our generation didn’t start this nation
We’re still pickin’ up the pieces, walkin’ on eggshells, fightin’ over yesterday
And caught between southern pride and southern blame

They called it Reconstruction, fixed the buildings, dried some tears
We’re still siftin’ through the rubble after a hundred-fifty years
I try to put myself in your shoes and that’s a good place to begin
But it ain’t like I can walk a mile in someone else’s skin

‘Cause I’m a white man livin’ in the southland
Just like you I’m more than what you see
I’m proud of where I’m from but not everything we’ve done
And it ain’t like you and me can re-write history
Our generation didn’t start this nation
And we’re still paying for mistakes
That a bunch of folks made long before we came
And caught between southern pride and southern blame

(LL Cool J’s Rap Verse:) Dear Mr. White Man, I wish you understood
What the world is really like when you’re livin’ in the hood
Just because my pants are saggin’ doesn’t mean I’m up to no good
You should try to get to know me, I really wish you would
Now my chains are gold but I’m still misunderstood
I wasn’t there when Sherman’s March turned the south into firewood
I want you to get paid but be a slave I never could
Feel like a new fangled Django, dodgin’ invisible white hoods
So when I see that white cowboy hat, I’m thinkin’ it’s not all good
I guess we’re both guilty of judgin’ the cover not the book
I’d love to buy you a beer, conversate and clear the air
But I see that red flag and I think you wish I wasn’t here

I’m just a white man
(If you don’t judge my do-rag)
Comin’ to you from the southland
(I won’t judge your red flag)
Tryin’ to understand what it’s like not to be

I’m proud of where I’m from
(If you don’t judge my gold chains)
But not everything we’ve done
(I’ll forget the iron chains)
it ain’t like you and me can re-write history
(Can’t re-write history baby)

Oh, Dixieland
(The relationship between the Mason-Dixon needs some fixin’)
I hope you understand what this is all about
(Quite frankly I’m a black Yankee but I’ve been thinkin’ about this lately)
I’m a son of the new south
(The past is the past, you feel me)
And I just want to make things right
(Let bygones be bygones)
Where all that’s left is southern pride
(RIP Robert E. Lee but I’ve gotta thank Abraham Lincoln for freeing me, know what I mean)
It’s real, it’s real
It’s truth

Cloud Atlas

I seen probably the most strangest movie I ever seen last night.  I could not figure out the plot to it at all, lol.  According to some research about it, it comes from Germany.  It was ok and Tom Hanks did great acting in it, but not worth buying on DVD/Blu-Ray lol.

Who comes up with such garbage for film?  the futuristic eras’ special effects were pretty good but the whole film was 3 hours of confusion lol.  I would recommend it because it was interesting, but be prepared to get confused.  I believe it was about feeling like you been somewhere before when you really weren’t and having past lives, and how it affects you currently in the state of the universe.  Very weird film.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Quote of the Day, 5/20/2013

Quote of the Day:
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
--Elbert Green Hubbard

Verse of the Day, 05/20/2013

Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Improper Parenting Isn’t Great For Children Upbringing

It seems almost as if we live in an era where kids just grow up way too fast. We can notice it on television, when we are out in public, and sometimes even at our schools. It seems almost as if today’s generation makes some poor choices in how they act and in how they dress. From what I have witnessed, it seems as if it comes from upbringing. It seems as if parents these days want to be their kids’ friend instead of parents. It also seems as if parents just don’t care what their children do. At a grocery store I worked at, I witnessed a couple of girls who looked no older than ten that dressed and acted like they belonged on a street corner somewhere. Obviously, improper parenting skills are not best for our children. It can lead children to make poor choices as they grow – often getting them into trouble, it can cause unfortunate mental and emotional damage on your children, and it can often become a never-ending cycle when the children become adults.

One way improper parenting skills are not best for children is because it can lead children to make poor choices in life, often getting them into trouble. If parents don’t teach their kids what’s right and what’s wrong, and fail to teach their kids the consequences about their actions, their kids might succumb to peer pressure and pick up addictive habits like alcoholism or drug addictions. Without the proper social survival skills, one’s children might more than likely take drugs or alcohol instead of saying “no” like they should. They might also have violence and behavior problems. According to Kate Miller-Wilson, a freelance writer who has written numerous articles about families, “exposing children to…violence can result in…violence and behavior problems in kids”(Miller-Wilson). She also stated that “a study published in the International Journal of Child, Youth, & Family Studies found that children who were neglected by their parents were more likely to be prosecuted for juvenile delinquency.” Children also may not be very successful in life due to the poor choices they made because of lack of parental support. One example of this is the fact that children might not attend college and get a college degree which will lead them to a better paying job. Instead they might work a dead-end minimum wage paying job. Parents should see what their children are interested in and never turn them away from their interests. They should instead build up their child’s self-esteem and support their child’s interests. At 33, I am a late bloomer college attender. I had many interests as a child, but my father would steer me away from those interests, because he wanted me to learn things he felt would be more useful to me. I have always understood dad’s point, and parents may not always agree with their child’s interests, but parents still should always remain supportive.

Another reason improper parenting skills are not best for children is because it can cause unfortunate mental and emotional damage on your children. Children who are brought up in very abusive households are more likely to develop mental disorders when they get older. “According to a study published in Child Development, children who were directly abused were far more likely than their peers to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder ” (Miller-Wilson). Some kids have also developed a “multiple personality disorder” as a way of dealing with the abuse when they get older. Dr. Phil had a guest on his show once who developed a multiple personality disorder. This guest developed it because she was abused as a child. As an adult, she developed several personalities and the disorder is wreaking havoc on her marriage. Improper parenting skills can also lead to children having depression and low self-esteem compared to their peers who were raised in better homes. One example in particular of this has been mentioned in a study published by the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry which “found that children who were the victims of sexual abuse at home had much lower self-esteem than their peers” (Miller-Wilson).

And finally, improper parenting skills are not best for children because it can become a never-ending cycle when children become adults. When children have seen nothing but bad parenting growing up, it is more likely they will continue that same pattern and raise their children just as poorly. When improper parenting styles are all a child knows, how are children to know a better way of life? When a parent is in jail most of their child’s life because the parents decide to break the law constantly, that child might assume that it’s OK to raise their kids up the same way when they get older. Parents need to be good role-models for their children so the never-ending cycle does not occur. Yes, teach children to make the right choices in life but parents also should be making the same choices. Parents should not drink or smoke and tell their kids not to do it. This can really confuse a child, which can cause children to rebel. My father always taught me to not drink or smoke even though he did it. When I would ask him why not, and explain to him that he did, he would always respond with “Do as I say, not as I do.” Even though dad was a good role-model most of the time, sometimes he really wasn’t, but what parent is perfect? One reason I started drinking at 19 was because I was tired of being confused about what is right and what is wrong.

Improper parenting skills are definitely not best for our children. It can psychologically damage a child. They are more than likely to develop addictive habits and get into trouble. They will also probably raise their children the same way when they have children of their own because it is all they know. If parents do not raise their kids up properly, children will more than likely not have the proper tools necessary for them to survive as adults. They would also probably end up in trouble a lot because they don’t know any better. What kind of future role models would our children be if parents don’t raise their kids up with the proper tools, morals and etiquettes that they need to be proper adults?

Works Cited:

Miller-Wilson, Kate. “Effects of Bad Parenting on Children.” Lovetoknow kids. Lovetoknow, n.d. Web. 2 May 2013. < Effects_of_Bad_Parenting_on_Children>.