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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guitarlington Weekend

On October 15, 2009 – October 18, 2009 I went with two very close friends of mine To Arlington, Texas to help one of them at the guitar show “Guitarlington." What an amazing weekend it was too!  We stayed at the La Quinta Inn which is right across the street from Six Flags Over Texas (we didn’t go there, but I got some video footage of there, and if I had $40 and more time, I would have loved to have gone into the park!)

During the guitar show, which was at the Arlington Convention Center, they also tried to break the record of the most guitarists playing the same song under one roof at the same time by trying to have 2000 guitarists play “Louie Louie.”  The record could’ve been a much better attempt though.  I wasn’t too thrilled of it because after a minute, it was over.

It wasn’t just guitars being bought and sold here.  Some one sold some records, there was even some saxophones on sale, and paintings of rock and roll stars (if you got $500) and also some rock and roll memorabilia including Beatles merchandise, real unused concert tickets from the 1950s – 1970s including an unused ticket to Woodstock!  There were also some books there about REM, The Beatles, and guitars!  I bought me a pin/necklace from there that’s of a lit-up guitar and I also bought some magnets to put on my car of different instruments and I also bought a “G” harp there.

While we were there we also went to Dealey Plaza in Dallas where JFK was assassinated by our own government on November 22, 1963 – not Lee Harvey Oswald!  That was very amazing too!  I learned more about the assassination that night than I ever thought I did, and I hope that I do live long enough to see the truth to Kennedy’s assassination come out.  Apparently that won’t be until 2029!  We all need to know the truth!

Overall, it was a very exciting and amazing weekend.  We saw lots of amazing guitars, bought a few, and we even sold a couple, and on top of that we learned more about why John Kennedy was assassinated which was very interesting!

If you are interested in the 1 hour Guitarlington video I made please contact me and let me know.  Cost will be $10.

The following are some pictures taken at the show:


Tut Campbell and Ben Ketcherside at our booth



Ben Ketcherside with the daughter of the founder of Mosrite Guitars



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