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Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Speeches On Video

I took speech this semester, and all semester long I was planning on getting on video me giving the speeches I had to present this semester.  A couple weeks ago I was snowed in, so I finally filmed them and uploaded them to Youtube.  There are 3 of them.  The 4th one I ended up not finishing because we got snowed in, however I hope to soon finish it and film it as well and post it on youtube whenever I have it ready.  I also plan on re-shooting these.  The quality on these videos is a bit poor in my opinion. Enjoy!






Saturday, December 7, 2013

Heart of a Warrior By Jack E. Dawson

A couple months ago my brother and I were at the Great Passion Play attraction in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  While we were there we came across an art exhibit of a Christian painter from near Joplin, Missouri by the name of Jack Dawson.  The painting that really caught my eye in the exhibit was “Heart of a Warrior.”  His paintings are full of christian symbols.  In this painting, Jesus is represented by the soldier, the toy lamb in his hand, and the face in the rock on the right side of the image, for example.  The description of the $5 copy I have reads

“The heart of a true warrior celebrates freedom for all.  Driven by a passion to relieve suffering and set captives free, the warrior goes to battle for others’ good, even at the cost of his own life.  The anguished face of captivity appears in the rock beside him as he kneels at edge of the world, reaching out in freedom’s name to those crying out for liberty.  A child approaches, trusting the extended hand that gave him the cookie he holds.  Now it offers another gift, a toy lamb that represents the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God.  His own wounded and bandaged fingers proclaim ‘I love you’ in sign language.  The strong left hand defends ‘old glory,’ wind torn and bullet riddled, but still flying on its broken staff.  His weapons are ready for battle, but the warrior is equipped for ministry.  Beside him grow five poppies, honoring the dedication of the five branches of service.  As the light of Lady Liberty reaches out to the ‘tired poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free,’ the spirit of freedom rises from the smoke of the twin towers forming a cross that conveys the greatest freedom, God’s grace and mercy.”
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners. – Luke 4:18

One of My Favorite Movie Cars

This is one of my favorite movie cars.  I think any image it's in, it looks cool.  The DeLorean DMC-12 time machine from the Back To The Future series.  The Back To The Future Facebook shared this image and I thought I'd re-share it for everyone else's enjoyment.

My Wife And Step-kids Need Your Help This Christmas

my wife and stepkids need your help. they are struggling financially and my wife can’t afford to get them christmas presents this year. She set up a fundraiser on in hopes of raising money for Christmas. If you can find it in your heart to donate so they can have a good christmas and can keep their light bill on we would greatly appreciate it. thanks and God bless and Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Record Snowfall In Arkansas

My pictures aren’t as great as some others I’ve seen but I just now decided to try to go outside and try to measure the snow and get a few pictures.   It is currently 17 degrees outside, and it’s supposed to get down to 0.  I have been told that this a record for Arkansas because it’s never this cold this early in the winter.

One measurement I took on the back of my brother’s deck showed 7 inches, but some other spots I checked showed 6 inches.  Walking, my foot was literally buried in the stuff!  not snowing now and I believe it’s supposed to be done snowing, but with the temperatures how they are supposed to be the next couple days, I don’t think this snow will melt very fast.  My dad has been having to drive in this mess – including ice.  He’s stopped for the night down in Little Rock, but will be coming home sometime tomorrow – He’s a very safe driver, but I ask for prayers that God keeps his hand of protection over him – along with anyone else who has to travel in this.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Magazines, Brochures, and Fliers I created

I took Adobe InDesign this semester in college.  I like that program much better than Microsoft Publisher.  It’s more user friendly I think.  I put the portfolio for the magazines and brochures I created this semester on my SkyDrive.  The link to it is if you would like to check it out.

Fake National Geographic Magazine I had created

I had to put together a fake issue of  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE for a class this semester.  The link shown should take you to the PDF file I created.  I also have it on my SkyDrive at if you want to see it there instead.